「American Truck Simulator」,ネブラスカ州を追加するDLC「Nebraska」を本日配信
American Truck Simulator - Nebraska
また,Nebraskaの配信と同時に,トラックの見た目をスポーツ風のデザインにできるDLC「Sports Paint Jobs Pack」もリリースされた。アメリカンフットボールやバスケットボールなど,まさにアメリカンなデザインをトレイラーで確認できるので,そちらもチェックしておこう。
American Truck Simulator - Sports Paint Jobs Pack DLC
「American Truck Simulator」公式サイト
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American Truck Simulator
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(C)2016 SCS Software. All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission. Freightliner is a trademark of Daimler Trucks North America LLC and is used under license to SCS Software s.r.o. The MACK trademarks and designs are registered rights of the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license. The VOLVO trademarks (word and device), other related trademarks, if applicable, and the Volvo designs are licensed by the AB Volvo Group. International® and all International Truck trademarks are trademarks licensed by INTERNATIONAL TRUCK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMPANY, LLC. Western Star is a trademark of Daimler Trucks North America LLC and is used under license to SCS Software s.r.o.