[Mac]「Colin McRae Rally Mac」の発売が延期に。発売時期は未定
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「Colin McRae Rally Mac」のパブリッシャであるFeral Interacitveは,この事故を受け,2007年9月25日に予定していた同作の発売を延期すると発表した。発売日が決まり次第,あらためて発表するとのこと。
Colin McRae Rally Macは,Windows版「Colin McRae Rally 2005」をベースにしたMacintosh用のパッケージ。2005年の開発発表以来,Mac版のリリースを心待ちにしてきた人は,もうしばらく辛抱する必要がありそうだ。発売に関する続報が入り次第お伝えするので,お楽しみに。
- 関連タイトル:
Colin McRae Rally Mac(Macintosh)
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(C)2004 - 2007 The Codemasters Software Company Limited ("Codemasters"). All rights reserved. "Codemasters"(R)is a registered trademark owned by Codemasters. "colin mcrae rally mac" and "GENIUS AT PLAY" are trademarks of Codemasters. "Colin McRae" and the Colin McRae signature device are registered trademarks of Colin McRae used under licence. Ford Oval and nameplates are registered trademarks owned and licenced by Ford Motor Company. Trademarks, design patents and copyrights are used with the approval of the owner AUDI AG. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under licence. This game is NOT licenced by or associated with the FIA or any related company. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited.