特殊部隊シューティング「SWAT 4」のゴールデンマスターが完成
(C)2005 Sierra Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Sierra, the Sierra logo, SWAT and the SWAT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sierra Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. Developed exclusively by Irrational Games. Developer Modifications Copyright (C)2005 Irrational Games. Irrational Games is a trademark of Irrational Studios, LLC. Benelli product images, product names, trademarks and logos used with permission from Benelli USA, Inc. http://www.benelliusa.com. COLT, COLT (STYLIZED "C"), COLT M16, COLT M4, COLT M203, COLT 1991A1, COLT 1911, COLT 1911A1, and AR-15 (in combination and/or alone) are registered and/or common law trademarks of New Colt Holding Corp. or Colt's Mfg. Co., Inc. These trademarks and any trade dress associated with these weapons are used with permission of its owners. All rights reserved. Havok.com TM; (C) Copyright 1999-2005 Havok.com Inc. (and its Licensors). All rights reserved. See www.havok.com for details. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries and is used under license from Microsoft. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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SWAT4 日本語版
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(C)2005 Sierra Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Sierra, the Sierra logo, SWAT and the SWAT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sierra Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. Developed exclusively by Irrational Games. Developer Modifications Copyright (C)2005 Irrational Games. Irrational Games is a trademark of Irrational Studios, LLC. Benelli product images, product names, trademarks and logos used with permission from Benelli USA, Inc.