Emoji Puzzle!
A new imagination game in which you need to connect pairs of emotions by associations. Think and find the idea of each puzzle. Just tap one by one on the elements from different columns to connect them with a line. Or drag to draw a line and connect elements from different columns. If you correctly connect all the elements, you pass the level. Harder than you think!
A new imagination game in which you need to connect pairs of emotions by associations. Think and find the idea of each puzzle. Just tap one by one on the elements from different columns to connect them with a line. Or drag to draw a line and connect elements from different columns. If you correctly connect all the elements, you pass the level. Harder than you think!
絵文字に隠された共通点はなに? スマホ向けパズルゲーム「Emoji Puzzle!」を紹介する「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」第2420回
本日の「(ほぼ)日刊スマホゲーム通信」で紹介するのは,スマホ向けパズルゲーム「Emoji Puzzle!」だ。複数の絵文字に隠された共通点を見つけ出し,左右の列に並んだ絵文字をなぞって結びつけていこう。難度は易しめだと言いたいが,まれに難問が出てくることがある。
[2020/10/12 10:00]動作スペック