コミックベースのSFアクション「Rogue Trooper」マスターアップ
本作は,Nu Earthと呼ばれる惑星を舞台に,遺伝子操作により特殊能力を備えた主人公(=プレイヤー)が,仲間の敵を討つべく悪者達と戦うという内容だ。
詳細については,E3 2006のレポート記事を参照してほしい。(朝倉哲也)
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Rogue Trooper
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Rogue Trooper interactive game(C)2006 SCi Entertainment Group and Rebellion. The Rebellion word and logo, 2000 AD words and logo, Rogue Trooper words and logo, and all characters, objects and locations are trademarks or registered trademarks licensed to Rebellion A/S in the United States and other jurisdictions. “PS FAMILY LOGO” and “PlayStation” are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox Live, and the Xbox and Xbox Live logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.