「Senseiが光る理由」に「Professional Gaming Gearの看板を下ろした理由」などなど。SteelSeriesの偉い人,Kim Rom氏にメールであれこれ聞いてみた
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Kim Rom氏メールインタビュー
Let me start by saying that it wasn’t a decision that we made lightly - and the very first option that we added to the illumination feature was the ability to turn it off. I can best describe why we’ve added this new feature by using the words of a professional purchasing manager for a major electronics retailer who described the Xai like this: “Wow, you made a race car, but you made it look like a family car”. We asked a lot of customers about their opinion on this topic, and many agreed. We took that feedback very seriously when we created Sensei. With Sensei, we specifically wanted to create a harmonious product, a product that was very powerful and that also expressed that power from a visual perspective. Our pre-orders for Sensei are the highest we have ever had for a mouse, so I’m confident it was a smart feature decision and very glad that we took the time to really engage with our audience on this topic.
The purpose is to make the mouse attractive to customers who value a mouse with illumination options. The practical applications of this is that the customer can personalize his mouse, which for people who play on teams and/or go to LAN-events makes it very easy to identify his/her own mice. One other application of this is that the customer can assign different colors to different profiles (Sensei can store 5 profiles on the mouse itself). The intent is not to make anything more readable. The surface of the Sensei was something we carefully thought about.
If anyone feels that the only difference between SteelSeries and other companies in this market was that our stuff didn’t have illumination, I would think that person is exceptionally misguided and doesn’t have a lot insight into the market place. Since we started back in 2001, we have brought a lot of innovation and features to gaming equipment. Look at the adjustment options we have invented for gaming mice, look at what we did with USB-soundcards for gaming, how we introduced mechanical keyboards with n-key rollover all the way back in 2005, mice with 11+ buttons for MMO games. The list of our innovations and first-to-market ideas is very long. And this is who we are, this is how we operate. We are not a company driven by price points, trends or empty marketing. We don’t look at what others do and then try to do it slightly better. We think in features and customer benefits first, then we find the technology and methods to accomplish those features and benefits. We take technology and give it a purpose. This will not change, just continue to evolve.
「CPIの値が大きいのをアピールしていたのは馬鹿げている」とも,Romさんはおっしゃていました。「CPI/DPI自体はマウスの正確性を表すものではない。CPI/DPI自体はスクリーン上のマウススピードの結果に関係するものでしかない」とのことでしたが,「Double CPI range」は,ソフトウェア補間(Interpolation)によって数値を水増ししているようにしか見えません。11400CPIというカタログスペックを実現しなければならなかった理由を教えてください。
- Senseiは,それを望むのであれば,まるで光のように素速く動作します
- この機能はとくに,マルチディスプレイや,それに近い環境の人にとって有用です
I totally stand by that statement. I have gone on record many times saying this, I will keep saying that. Higher CPI/DPI values does not make you a better gamer. Look at our history on this topic: We previously announced a mouse that had 5001 CPI. We added the last +1 to make sure people would look at this uneven value and question it. We wanted people to understand that a more sensitive mouse doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a better performer. We feel it did have some effect in the market place (when you look at most retail boxes now, compared to back then, it’s clear that many manufacturers of mice now put less emphasis on their DPI value). By going with a number like 11,400 DCPI we believe that we have now once and for all have ended this whole silly CPI values race and that everyone can start focusing on making great mice that bring real a benefit to the customer. Look at our product descriptions on our homepage (http://www.steelseries.com/sensei), where we specifically state two things:
1)SteelSeries Sensei can be fast, like really light-speed fast, if you need that kind of speed.
2)This feature is particularly useful for people using multiple monitor and similar environments.
We make no claim that this will make you a better gamer. I think we present this with the proper wink and elbow nudge. :)
念のため確認です。「Double CPI range」という機能には,「CPI/DPIの高い値を謳うのは無意味」というアピール以外の意味はないとのことですけれども,SteelSeriesとして,ゲーム用での5701〜11400CPI設定は非推奨ということでいいでしょうか。
I personally can't think of a gaming scenario where you would benefit from having a CPI that high, this is correct. But instead of just asking me, why don't we ask your readers? I would be very interested in feedback from them: can you think of a scenario where that CPI makes sense and where it would make you more efficient? I would appreciate their answers, my gut feeling is that the answers will be negative.
Yes. Very much so. My personal feeling about this is that it doesn’t make sense to add weights to a mouse. I don’t add weights to my running shoes, I want them to be as lightweight as possible, so I can perform at my best.
Since we use metal coating the overall weight of Sensei is higher than that of Xai, this is correct. Metal is heavier than plastic. We feel that the amazing grip and feeling from the surface more than makes up for this.
To giver the user options to personalize his tool, so it behaves just in whatever way feels perfect to the user. How your mouse would behave to be perfect for you, and how mine would behave to be perfect to me, are probably 2 very different settings. We want to give the user the option to find those perfect settings that feels just right to him.
ここまで回答いただいた部分について,一点だけ納得できない部分があります。それは,Senseiの発表にあたって作られたプロモーションムービーと,最近アップロードされた第2弾プロモーションムービーです。ここには,今回説明いただいたような内容はなく,ただイルミネーションや11400CPI,あるいは32bit ARMプロセッサといった,“スペック自慢”が並んでおり,正直,ミスリードするものではないかと思いますが,これらムービーの位置づけを教えてください。
In a video where you spend 30-60 seconds promoting 8 to 10 features of a product, there is no time to explain why you put in a feature. We also don't talk about adjustable liftdistance, how ExactAim works, why the cord is braided and all the other many features in the mouse. In a video like that you choose the points that resonate with the widest audience and you make a video like that for that part of your audience who doesn't spend hours researching and reading reviews. A lot of gamers just want a product that fulfills whatever their need is, they don't spend time reading or understanding every little detail. So in a video like that you don't spend time telling a story about DPI and how a higher number doesn't make you more precise. We do that thru articles we post on our blogs and through interviews like this one. And we have done that since before we released our first mouse.
今回,Senseiの製品情報ページには「Professional Gaming Gear」の文字が躍っていません。また,SteelSeries自体のロゴからも「Professional Gaming Gear」の文字が消えています。この文字は,「本当にゲーマー向けであると,自信が持てるとき」に付けられるとRomさんはおっしゃっていましたが,今後「Professional Gaming Gear」はどうなってしまうのでしょうか。
私達の心と魂はいつでもゲーム競技とともにあります。しかし,最終製品という立ち位置からは,実際のところ,「Professional Gaming Gear」を超えたものになりつつあるとも私達は感じているのです。
たとえばiPodやiPhone,Ipad向けの「SteelSeries Siberia v2」。本製品はもともとトーナメント戦のために開発されたものですが,Appleとの協力とインラインリモコンの用意とにより,Apple製品を使う人にとっても素晴らしい製品となっています。
そういうわけで今後,「Professional Gaming Gear」というタグライン(=キャッチコピー)は,次第に姿を消していきますが,いま新しいタグラインを準備中です。その新しいタグラインは,どちらかといえば近い将来にお目見えすることとなるでしょう。
Our heart and soul will always be with competitive gaming, but from a product standpoint we actually feel we are becoming more than “Professional Gaming Gear”. We have reached a point in our evolution where we continue to develop products in concert with the best gamers on the planet, and we then take those products and spread them to customers who doesn’t follow eSports, competitive gaming or even mainstream gaming as we know it today. An example would be the SteelSeries Siberia v2 for iPod, iPhone & iPad. It is a product that was developed for tournament use, but thanks to our partnership with Apple and the in-line control, becomes a great product for customers who use Apple devices. That is why you will see use slowly loose that tagline, but we have a new tagline that we will introduce. And this will happen sooner than later.
Sensei,そしてコーポレートロゴからProfessioan Gaming Gearが消えたことで,SteelSeriesの方向性には変化が生じたのでしょうか。新しいコンセプト,新しいキーワードを発表する予定はありますか。また,これら注力していくカテゴリーのようなものはあるのでしょうか。
It may feel like a big change for people who follow our brand and company, but it is really a change that has been under way for a long time. Just as gaming is evolving, so are we. Look at the games that are being played today, and the platforms they are being played on, versus how the world looked 10 years ago when we started our company. Since then the PC is no longer the only platform for competitive gaming, consoles have come online, new handheld devices are breaking through and the world will keep changing around us. Our evolution in this area isn’t limited to a specific product category, but centered around a belief that we can bring precision, accessibility, reduce reaction times and enable customers with the freedom to play.
We are proud of everything we did with Xai in 2009. We have taken everything we have learned since then and put it into the Sensei. People should read up on those features if they are interested (we have added some cool technology), but ultimately I would say that if they are happy with their mouse then they should keep using it.
また,それに合わせて,同社が「Professional Gaming Gear」の看板をいったん下ろし,新しいタグラインの導入を検討していると明らかになったことも興味深いところ。ゲーム機向け周辺機器市場への注力,そして,「主体となるのは,正確で,使いやすく,反応速度が速く,ユーザーが自由にプレイできるものを作るという信条」(centered around a belief that we can bring precision, accessibility, reduce reaction times and enable customers with the freedom to play)といったコメントが,ひょっとすると,新しいタグラインのヒントになるかもしれない。
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